
The Welly Family

Here are our precious kids Austin, Megan, and Orrin. They are literally growing likfe weeds. They are fun, amazing, and into everthing. We live in AZ and love owning our home with a backyard. YEA.


Rebecca said...

Hi Julie. Your blog looks very nice! I've seen your blog before and it looks like you've made a lot of changes to it.

niki said...

I tagged you look at my blog!

Taylor and Stephanie Haught said...

I am glad you guys have a blog!! Your kids are so adorable. I can't believe you have 3 already, where has time gone??

Lexie & Sharrid said...

ok here it is, our address is lexieandsharrid.blogspot.com

Sarah Mickalson said...

So cute Julie! Love the background